On the 26th of November, nine scientists will pitch their innovative ideas during the 14th edition of the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award. Three prizes will be awarded to the best ideas in the categories alpha/ gamma, beta and life sciences. Register now to get a unique and exclusive opportunity to meet their ideas during the festive finale.
Since 2005, researchers and students from Amsterdam universities and research institutes compete for the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award. This year, on the 26th of November, three prizes of € 7.500,- each will be awarded to the most innovative idea with societal and commercial impact in the categories of alpha/ gamma, beta and life sciences. Nine finalists will pitch their brilliant ideas at the NEMO Science Museum in Amsterdam. Would you like to have the exclusive opportunity to know more about these ideas at an early stage? Get your free tickets now for the festive finale.
The Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2019 received a wide variety of ideas. For example, innovations tackle problems within education and try to counter human rights violations or climate change and waste issues. Multiple ideas are devised to solve a variety of challenges by using 3D printing or virtual reality. Apps were developed as well to support medical staff and patients and resolutions were discovered to oppose problems within drugs. In case you want to know more, make sure to register for the finale or download the booklet with the ideas of 2019 after the finale. Find more information on www.amsia.nl
The assessment of the submitted ideas will be done by our seven qualified jury members. Gigi Wang, a specialist in entrepreneurship and innovation is chair of the jury. She is supported by Marja Zonnevylle, Nina Tellegen, Joris Tinbergen, Ton van Leeuwen, Inge Oskam and former winner of the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award Jonathan Coutinho. Read more about the jury here.
The Amsterdam Science & Innovation Award 2019 is organized by Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA). IXA is the joint Knowledge Transfer Office of University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam UMC and Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Partners of the awards next to these research institutes are the municipality of Amsterdam, Sanquin and the Netherlands Cancer Institute Antoni van Leeuwenhoek.
For the 16th time, the Amsterdam Science & Innovation Awards have taken place at NEMO Science Museum! It was a dazzling event in which 9 finalists took the stage to pitch their innovative ideas. An expert jury awarded three winners, Zeliha Guler (Amsterdam UMC), Pepijn van Rutten (VU) and Olivier Lugier (UvA) with an Innovation […]
NewsOnderzoekers Guus van Dongen, Dick den Hertog en Toby Kiers krijgen de Impact Award 2023. Deze wordt uitgereikt aan gerenommeerde onderzoekers die een betekenisvolle bijdrage leveren aan de maatschappij. Er zijn drie categorieën: Gezondheid, Maatschappij en Milieu & Klimaat. Categorie Gezondheid: Guus van Dongen, hoogleraar medische beeldvorming en biomarkers bij Amsterdam UMC, ontwikkelde nieuwe beeldvormende […]
NewsThe Innovation Awards were presented for the 16th time at NEMO Science Museum, to Zeliha Guler, Pepijn van Rutten and Olivier Lugier.