Marissa de Boer
Het SusPhos-proces is de eerste technologie die verschillende fosfaathoudende afvalstromen, zoals struviet, als grondstof kan gebruiken voor hoogwaardige producten, zoals kunstmest en brandvertragers. En dat volgens marktspecificaties en tegen concurrerende prijzen. Dit proces zal de fosfaatmarkt die momenteel nog op fossiele bronnen is gebaseerd volledig veranderen. Bovendien pakt het ook de ongecontroleerde algengroei aan dat wordt veroorzaakt door een overschot aan fosfaat in het milieu.
If you weren’t able to attend our recent workshop, we’ve got you covered! The slide deck from the session is now available to help guide you through the application process. This material includes tips and tricks shared by our experienced business developers, who walked participants through how to articulate their ideas clearly, structure their applications […]
NewsPULSE Sport, a start-up from the Demonstrator Lab and former participant of AmSIA, has reached a significant milestone by winning the prestigious 14th Dutch Sports Innovation Award. The company’s flagship product, a cutting-edge athlete management system, integrates advanced software and artificial intelligence to revolutionize athlete health and performance monitoring. About the Innovation PULSE Sport’s athlete […]
NewsImran Avci, from the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, has secured the NWO Demonstrator grant for a project titled SOHO: A New Approach for Ultra-Precise, Fast, and Sensitive Photonic Microchip Measurements. The innovation in this field is expected to lead to breakthroughs in quantum computing, neuromorphic processors, wearable sensors, Lidar systems, […]